Saturday, September 1, 2012

From the Wilderness to the Promise Land :)

*ahem*..Does my mic still work? lol Let's hope so right cause I actually have a lot to say! I can't believe I stepped away from this! I haven't even written the entire post yet and already im like...this is "awesomeness!" yeah!!!

I haven't written anything in so long, my last post was on Christmas of 2011 I believe and for everyone that ever read a post of mine..Thank You. I didn't mean to slack I just was in a really delicate place at that time. Any Christian knows this place I speak of. It's the point where you're walking and growing with God in a wilderness. It's the high point of your spiritual communication with the Lord but the low point of your flesh.

I feel like the last time I posts were really great because I was in the process of walking the good fight of faith and I was just "holding on" to God's promises and just struggling to understand how the Lord was going to bless me when I should have just  been shouting, "anyway you bless me Lord, I'll be satisfied."

Now. Today, September 1, 2012, I am in a totally different place. I have so many great and amazing things happening in my many awesome ideas..just a new reviving of the spirit and soul and I owe that all to the opportunities and the blessings God has given me over a period of time. He tells us that there is a great reward for those who walk and do not faint..and I went through the things that I did so that I could be a witness to these things. So, take it from me. It's true. The great part about it, is that He still isn't done.

When I think about the goodness of the Lord and all that I have seen Him do not only in my own life but in the lives of my friends and soul truly delights in the faithfulness of the Lord.

I have had some awesome opportunities in the past few months. I got blessings back to back to back this past summer. My cup truly overflows. I can remember my days of thinking I would be in the wilderness forever or that I simply wouldn't be able to stretch my faith long enough to get out. But, I can honestly thank God that I went thru that because if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to appreciate all the great opportunities that God has placed at my fingertips. And I blame it on nothing but favor. The strength that I found to be positive about everything, is exactly what I needed for this stage of my life. God KNEW what He was doing.

So as I end this post, I just want to encourage someone to hang on. Go thru it. It's tough in the wilderness. But I promise you..the wildness is your practice ground for your promise land..and if you journey through with strong faith..depending on the will find the wilderness behind you and the Promise Land in view.

-Gab <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

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