Sunday, December 18, 2011

Not Made In America: Made In God's Image!

Remember when you were a child and you were fearless. You could do and be anything you wanted to be and the universe was in agreement. Weren't those the times of your life that you could move mountains. I remember when I was little I would say, "I am going to do this..." and it would come to pass! All because I believed in myself and I wasn't familiar with the word "can't".

But what if we wiped out the power of the word "can't" and replaced it with the word CAN. Lately I have been interviewing for jobs and one of the things I noticed and God even revealed to me is that I let a spirit of "intimidation" and "fear" hinder me and my mentality. Think about it, it's awfully hard to convince an employer that you can do a particular job if you are having a rough time convincing yourself.

One aspect of "moving mountains" in your life is a positive attitude towards not only the situation but YOURSELF. You have to know how to fight everything in your mind and spirit that tells you that you can't do something or that you're going to fail at it. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Take this and run with it. Forget the doubts, forget how low you feel and transform your mind. What do you really have to lose by adopting this philosophy? Nothing. You have absolutely everything to gain.

There are some things that God wants you to have, and YOU KNOW that He wants you to have them but you can't get to them because you are waiting on God to just do a miracle. The miracle starts with you. You can't take the prosperous land that God has for you while you are operating in a spirit of intimidation and fear. It is amazingly true that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. This means that you are constantly battling spirits! You can't be intimidated by these uppity, bold, educated, rich, diverse spirits.

Throughout the bible every testimony we see from the disciples to many other highlighted biblical characters there is a trend. They all had to fight to get what God had for them. Had they had been intimidated and too afraid to do God's will how would they have been victorious?

I say these things because they are my own spiritual battles as well. Through my struggle God reveals things to me and springs forth wisdom that I have to share with you all. If you did not receive anything from my message know this...YOU ARE RADICAL AND POWERFUL. We are made in God's image and what is He? Is He anything less than powerful, amazing, omnipotent, and a God of omniscience? Therefore, believe and know that you are made in His image and down in you is the power to do whatever it is you want to do. All you have to do is pray and access it. Don't be intimidated or tricked by the devil and all his wicked devices. Know WHO you are and WHOSE you are.

I pray that each and every one of my readers will not only be uplifted by this message Lord, but that they will receive it in such a way that it will move them to focus on change and accessing the power that they possess, for it is a divine gift from you Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

I love you and be blessed!

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