Friday, December 16, 2011

Remain Humble: God Doesn't HAVE to do Anything!

I don't know about you guys but yes, I have gotten frustrated with God. Yes, I have gotten angry with him and questioned him like I was a reporter at a presidential press conference. lol #truestory. "Lord, why haven't you changed this situation?" "Why haven't you moved by your miraculous power and done something!" "Haven't I shown myself worthy, then why do you forsake me." Yes, it's bold, and I am not proud of it, but I have 'went there' with Him before. You know His grace and mercy is sufficient cause He hasn't struck me down yet still alive and well. Thank you Jesus lol ..won't happen again.

So, while I am not proud of these things I know I am certainly not the only one who has felt this way which is why I am writing this post. Here's the good news. Okay? God has shown me a divine way to overcome thoughts like this and I am going to share the secret with you! Are you ready for this?? Get excited!!!! Okay, here it goes. GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! hahahaa! I knoooww isn't it genius!! lol #sarcasm.

Yes you want that money right now. You want that new car right now. YOu want that great husband right now. You want looooove in your life right now <3 ..You want a new change of scenery..You want a house, a great job, the perfect this, the perfect that..but I have come to tell you a message from thee most high (see, I knew my name was spelled that way for a reason *Gabriel-messenger*..anyway I digress) but He doesn't have to do anything we say. It is His will. Not ours. Neither you or me know what's best for us and when it is the best time for us to receive anything from God.

Well, Gabriel if I have faith in God and He said that's all I need then what are you talking about, He does HAVE to do what I ask. No, see you are confused like I was. I thought that God was like my own personal genie, I want this..I ask it in the name of Jesus..whaah laaahh I shall have it. Well, it's a little more to it. Turns out the reason God can't just give you what you want is because you haven't given Him what he wants. The sooner you cooperate the sooner you unlock the doors PLUS peace and strength for the process to your blessing.

You see God has a plan and a purpose for all of His people. That's why He created follow His commandments and take delight in Him. So when you get frustrated because God hasn't done something for you, that's a no no..Instead of getting frustrated you should be praising Him! He is God! The creator. Beginning and end. If you have a relationship with Him you understand that HE is in authority over your life and you trust HIM to do HIS will and you know that you will have the desires of your heart in His timing.

Isaiah 45:9 says, "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?" Ya know what that means...Sit ya lil self down somewhere cuz you are NOT grown lol. Stay in a piece of clay's place! :)

I say those things to say that we have to be humble before God. We can't demand Him to do anything because GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. Because He loves us sooo much, He has blessed us with more than enough and He has spoiled us, but we have to be humble and give Him thanks for all of His wonderful blessings, because He didn't have to do anything at all. As the songwriter says, "Lord if you don't do another thing for me, you've already done enough." I challenge everyone of my readers and myself to be humble, praise Him, and understand that God doesn't have to do anything. Praise Him because of who He is and stop focusing on what you think He should be doing for you. He's gonna come through. Show yourself loyal to Him. He's worthy of that much isn't He?

I love you and thank you soo much for reading. I really hope you received a blessing of any kind from this message. I pray that you be not hearers of the messages and wisdom, but Doers by applying His divine word to your life daily.



  1. WOW and another one. You're speaking to me because Lord knows I've questioned Him, being impatient and ungrateful. Just a little confirmation. It's good to know Christians because what some forget Christians are saved individuals which means we've messed up before and are probably messing up now. But God is a forgiving God and will not turn His back on you, as long as you're willing to accept His Will.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen sis, God is awesome!worthy to be praised at all times! He doesn't owe us anything, but we owe Him everything! We just need to be encouraged, study His word and submit ourselves to Him! He didn't turn His back on me when I wasn't thinkin about doin His will so I know surely since He has called me out of my old ways that He will continue to walk with me :)
