Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tests and Trials: Get You Some Experience!

I just wanted to share some things that God has revealed to me lately. Now, let me say this, some of us have been through a lot and we have tough skin, some of us not so much. No matter what level you are on, this message is for you because life can have you content one day and weaping the next.

Fret not over what happens to you in this lifetime! Please. God already told you that your life in this world was gonna be full of trouble. See, some of us make the mistake of thinking that life is supposed to be this "dream" that happens just the way we want it. I was a victim of this mentality. Let me tell you from experience, NO. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. AT ALL.  You will go through some things in this life that will humble THEE. CRAP. OUT. OF. YOU. #fact and if you haven't just know that you will.

Life is truly what you make of it. That doesn't mean I want my life to be perfect so that's what I'll make of it. Nope. Sorry. As awesome as that sounds, that's not the case. If that was so, what would we need God for? Think about it. The way you should view that statement is like this..and this has helped me...I know that my life isn't gonna go the way I plan all the time. I know that one day can be great, and I accept the fact that the next might not be so easy, but Lord I just praise you for being the captain of it all. I acknowledge you as the Creator, the beginning and the end and you love me enough to humble me and keep me grounded. I trust that no matter what I go through it's all for my good because I trust your plan for my life.

See, all these trials and tribulations and tests, they're just your "experience". I was reading 1 Samuel 17: 1-58, and that's the story of how David got involved with the war between the Phillistines who had chosen a giant to represent them in battle and summoned the Israelites to choose one man to fight as well.. The Israelites were scared, King Saul was stalling..and David stepped on the scene boldly ya'll. He was like who is this Phillistine?! He ain't got nothing on the army of the Lord! Why are ya'll being punked! (das my translation but you know what im sayin lol) David said I'll stand up to Him! Pleaseee Let me do it! I got this! His brother got a little jealous, and spoke a few words of "hatery" as I called it lol, But David was ready to do HIS thing!

The first thing Saul said was you are a YOUTH! You are not ready to go to battle,  But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock" Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God." The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." Saul said to David, "Go, and the LORD be with you."

DAVID SAID THE SAME GOD THAT DELIVERED ME FROM THE BEAR AND THE LION WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS PHILLISTINE AS WELL!  Saul tried to convince David that He wasn't ready but David said no sir! you got me confused. I have EXPERIENCE. So ya'll got to know that these trials and tribulations aint nothing but your experience. The same God that brought you through one trial, is the same God that's gone get you through the next. If He didn't leave you then, He got ya back now!

Saul tried to give him his equipment to wear for protection during battle but David said "nuh uh, naw I can't even walk in this.." All He took to battle this big gigantic Phillistine warrior was a sling shot and some rocks, literally. Now to us it sounds crazy. The Phillistine said, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" and he cursed David by his gods.

But do ya'll know what David said!! I get happy everytime I read this..David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

When the devil says you aren't ready to take on the trials, the tribulations of this life. When He laughs and mocks you when you say "the devil is a lie" and rebukes him..and he says to you "am I dog, that you come at me with sticks.." Stand strong and say "you come at me with burdens..troubles on every hand, temptation, stress, ridicule, slandered my name, hurt, deceit.." BUT I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF THE JESUS..KING OF KINGS..AND LORD OF LORDS! THE BEGINNING AND THE END..NONE BEFORE HIM..NONE AFTER HIM..and I am victorious in JESUS name..and watch God move.

I do apologize if this was too long for you guys to read and I pray that you at least read what God had for you from this message if not all of it. I said all these things to tell you not to be afraid of your "experience"..your trials and tribulations. Consider them experience for your giant. Embrace those struggles and get you some experience. I love you. May God continue to bless and keep you.



  1. Woooo....I know the enemy is "shaking in his cheeeeeese"! OMGsh, Gabby, this post was the real! I love it!!!!! Yes, we will experience trials of many kinds, but one thing that will ALWAYS remain factual is that God is on our side as long as we are on his! That's why its important that we allow him to be at the head so that he can fight our battles for us! Its also important to get in our WORD so that when the battles of this life come against us, we'll have the Word of God deeply embedded to fight against the enemy! I love you lil' lady. Keep striving for excellence!

    And by the way, you don't have to apologize for being "lengthy"! That's one of the reasons you have a blog. You can post as much or as little as you want to, however often you want to! This is YOUR world...we're just reading it :-)

  2. Amen sis, David said that it's not his battle but it belongs to the Lord, therefore it is already WON! Glory! You're right about me apologizing, I just want people to read the whole thing so bad, cuz I know God got a word for them, BUT, I gotta tell It ALL lol rather 3 paragraphs or 8. Thanks sis! I love you to!! :)

  3. Amen sis, David said that it's not his battle but it belongs to the Lord, therefore it is already WON! Glory! You're right about me apologizing, I just want people to read the whole thing so bad, cuz I know God got a word for them, BUT, I gotta tell It ALL lol rather 3 paragraphs or 8. Thanks sis! I love you to!! :)

  4. The devil better be shaking! We aint stuttin him He is a non freakin factor! He can't do nun to us that God does not allow and the only reason God is allowing it is because it's another opportunity for Him to get the glory out of our lives! Hallelujah! Girrrl das a whole notha blog post! Smh! Lol!
