*ahem*..Does my mic still work? lol Let's hope so right cause I actually have a lot to say! I can't believe I stepped away from this! I haven't even written the entire post yet and already im like...this is "awesomeness!" yeah!!!
I haven't written anything in so long, my last post was on Christmas of 2011 I believe and for everyone that ever read a post of mine..Thank You. I didn't mean to slack I just was in a really delicate place at that time. Any Christian knows this place I speak of. It's the point where you're walking and growing with God in a wilderness. It's the high point of your spiritual communication with the Lord but the low point of your flesh.
I feel like the last time I wrote..my posts were really great because I was in the process of walking the good fight of faith and I was just "holding on" to God's promises and just struggling to understand how the Lord was going to bless me when I should have just been shouting, "anyway you bless me Lord, I'll be satisfied."
Now. Today, September 1, 2012, I am in a totally different place. I have so many great and amazing things happening in my life..so many awesome ideas..just a new reviving of the spirit and soul and I owe that all to the opportunities and the blessings God has given me over a period of time. He tells us that there is a great reward for those who walk and do not faint..and I went through the things that I did so that I could be a witness to these things. So, take it from me. It's true. The great part about it, is that He still isn't done.
When I think about the goodness of the Lord and all that I have seen Him do not only in my own life but in the lives of my friends and family...my soul truly delights in the faithfulness of the Lord.
I have had some awesome opportunities in the past few months. I got blessings back to back to back this past summer. My cup truly overflows. I can remember my days of thinking I would be in the wilderness forever or that I simply wouldn't be able to stretch my faith long enough to get out. But, I can honestly thank God that I went thru that because if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able to appreciate all the great opportunities that God has placed at my fingertips. And I blame it on nothing but favor. The strength that I found to be positive about everything, is exactly what I needed for this stage of my life. God KNEW what He was doing.
So as I end this post, I just want to encourage someone to hang on. Go thru it. It's tough in the wilderness. But I promise you..the wildness is your practice ground for your promise land..and if you journey through with strong faith..depending on the Lord..you will find the wilderness behind you and the Promise Land in view.
-Gab <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">
"Thee Gift of Gabb" is geared toward uplifting and encouraging. I have always been moved by words and gifted with writing, but I never knew what this gift was all about. I truly believe that the holy spirit has cultivated my gift of writing for such a time as this so that my talent wouldn't be wasted in the world, but used for the Glory of God.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Sunday, December 25, 2011
A Christmas Story..
Merry Christmas everybody. I trust that you enjoyed your holiday. Some of us spent our holiday during the traditional things and some of spent this year doing something new. *raises hand* ..sigh..I never NOT spend a Christmas in Mississippi.
Every year I am in Mississippi around this time, however, since God is doing a new thing with me I spent my Christmas in a new way. God told me to stay in Dallas this year and that's what I did. At first it kind of stung my heart not to be at home with my family and missing moments with friends, but God reminded me that in order to follow Him I have to be willing to "get from amongst my kindred" as God told Abraham and go to the land that He has shown me. What land Gab? whatcha talkin bout..Basically in order to go higher spiritually to where God wants me to be as He prepares me I have to be willing to be obedient and submissive to Him even if it cost me Christmas in the Sip'..now what am I talkin about? Surely God doesn't want you away from your family at Christmas Gab..You miss heard him!..I know that's what you're thinking but trust me..you have no idea.
Let's talk a little about Purpose. When God has purpose for your life and you begin to walk in that purpose..it becomes a "new" walk..You CANNOT DO THE SAME THINGS YOU USED TO. DONT EVEN EXPECT TO. Why? Because the path to your purpose is not in your old way nor your old walk. This Christmas started out so weird for me. I thought to myself.."God, im not at home..Yes i am here with my mom but this just aint the norm for me.." So as the day went on God began to show me WHY I had to be here in Dallas.
Today we had some company over for Christmas dinner..some of the people I knew and only one man I had never met before in my life. A friend of some of our (my mom and I) close friends here. This man said that he had come all the way from Atlanta, GA to the Potters House and that he really enjoyed the service. No big deal. From the moment I layed eyes on this man something drew me to him..spiritually. As if I almost knew that he was here for more than to simply hear the word from Bishop Jakes..He had a divine purpose. But, I haven't learned to recognize just when God is speaking like that or if it's me so I ignored it.
After a little while, this man and I began to talk about the Word of God and immediately the spirit fell upon Him and He told me things nobody would know but ME AND GOD and I was just soo overjoyed to know that God had not forgotten about me. And He cared enough to explain to me the things that i had been experiencing. This man gave me more encouragement than I had possessed all year. I could have easily missed this! Had I went home for Christmas like I wanted to do!!! For those of you who have experienced divine interventions you know how amazing and what a relief it is just to know that YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW..you are hearing from God and that He is leading you. But if we aren't obedient we can miss that little encouragement to stay on our purposeful paths and stray away from what God intended because we are discouraged and all sorts of emotions.
I say all of these things to say that this walk with HIM is not going to be easy but it can be done as long as we make our minds up that it's just US AND HIM. It hurts to let friends go..it hurts to feel left out..but we certainly don't want to miss our amazing call and purpose for our lives ordained by our heavenly father because of friends or family. Abraham was an amazing example. Thus, be encouraged my sisters and brothers and don't be afraid to take the road less traveled because He is there to guide your every step if you can submit your way to Him.
I love you! Merry Christmas! <3
Every year I am in Mississippi around this time, however, since God is doing a new thing with me I spent my Christmas in a new way. God told me to stay in Dallas this year and that's what I did. At first it kind of stung my heart not to be at home with my family and missing moments with friends, but God reminded me that in order to follow Him I have to be willing to "get from amongst my kindred" as God told Abraham and go to the land that He has shown me. What land Gab? whatcha talkin bout..Basically in order to go higher spiritually to where God wants me to be as He prepares me I have to be willing to be obedient and submissive to Him even if it cost me Christmas in the Sip'..now what am I talkin about? Surely God doesn't want you away from your family at Christmas Gab..You miss heard him!..I know that's what you're thinking but trust me..you have no idea.
Let's talk a little about Purpose. When God has purpose for your life and you begin to walk in that purpose..it becomes a "new" walk..You CANNOT DO THE SAME THINGS YOU USED TO. DONT EVEN EXPECT TO. Why? Because the path to your purpose is not in your old way nor your old walk. This Christmas started out so weird for me. I thought to myself.."God, im not at home..Yes i am here with my mom but this just aint the norm for me.." So as the day went on God began to show me WHY I had to be here in Dallas.
Today we had some company over for Christmas dinner..some of the people I knew and only one man I had never met before in my life. A friend of some of our (my mom and I) close friends here. This man said that he had come all the way from Atlanta, GA to the Potters House and that he really enjoyed the service. No big deal. From the moment I layed eyes on this man something drew me to him..spiritually. As if I almost knew that he was here for more than to simply hear the word from Bishop Jakes..He had a divine purpose. But, I haven't learned to recognize just when God is speaking like that or if it's me so I ignored it.
After a little while, this man and I began to talk about the Word of God and immediately the spirit fell upon Him and He told me things nobody would know but ME AND GOD and I was just soo overjoyed to know that God had not forgotten about me. And He cared enough to explain to me the things that i had been experiencing. This man gave me more encouragement than I had possessed all year. I could have easily missed this! Had I went home for Christmas like I wanted to do!!! For those of you who have experienced divine interventions you know how amazing and what a relief it is just to know that YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW..you are hearing from God and that He is leading you. But if we aren't obedient we can miss that little encouragement to stay on our purposeful paths and stray away from what God intended because we are discouraged and all sorts of emotions.
I say all of these things to say that this walk with HIM is not going to be easy but it can be done as long as we make our minds up that it's just US AND HIM. It hurts to let friends go..it hurts to feel left out..but we certainly don't want to miss our amazing call and purpose for our lives ordained by our heavenly father because of friends or family. Abraham was an amazing example. Thus, be encouraged my sisters and brothers and don't be afraid to take the road less traveled because He is there to guide your every step if you can submit your way to Him.
I love you! Merry Christmas! <3
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Not Made In America: Made In God's Image!
Remember when you were a child and you were fearless. You could do and be anything you wanted to be and the universe was in agreement. Weren't those the times of your life that you could move mountains. I remember when I was little I would say, "I am going to do this..." and it would come to pass! All because I believed in myself and I wasn't familiar with the word "can't".
But what if we wiped out the power of the word "can't" and replaced it with the word CAN. Lately I have been interviewing for jobs and one of the things I noticed and God even revealed to me is that I let a spirit of "intimidation" and "fear" hinder me and my mentality. Think about it, it's awfully hard to convince an employer that you can do a particular job if you are having a rough time convincing yourself.
One aspect of "moving mountains" in your life is a positive attitude towards not only the situation but YOURSELF. You have to know how to fight everything in your mind and spirit that tells you that you can't do something or that you're going to fail at it. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Take this and run with it. Forget the doubts, forget how low you feel and transform your mind. What do you really have to lose by adopting this philosophy? Nothing. You have absolutely everything to gain.
There are some things that God wants you to have, and YOU KNOW that He wants you to have them but you can't get to them because you are waiting on God to just do a miracle. The miracle starts with you. You can't take the prosperous land that God has for you while you are operating in a spirit of intimidation and fear. It is amazingly true that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. This means that you are constantly battling spirits! You can't be intimidated by these uppity, bold, educated, rich, diverse spirits.
Throughout the bible every testimony we see from the disciples to many other highlighted biblical characters there is a trend. They all had to fight to get what God had for them. Had they had been intimidated and too afraid to do God's will how would they have been victorious?
I say these things because they are my own spiritual battles as well. Through my struggle God reveals things to me and springs forth wisdom that I have to share with you all. If you did not receive anything from my message know this...YOU ARE RADICAL AND POWERFUL. We are made in God's image and what is He? Is He anything less than powerful, amazing, omnipotent, and a God of omniscience? Therefore, believe and know that you are made in His image and down in you is the power to do whatever it is you want to do. All you have to do is pray and access it. Don't be intimidated or tricked by the devil and all his wicked devices. Know WHO you are and WHOSE you are.
I pray that each and every one of my readers will not only be uplifted by this message Lord, but that they will receive it in such a way that it will move them to focus on change and accessing the power that they possess, for it is a divine gift from you Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I love you and be blessed!
But what if we wiped out the power of the word "can't" and replaced it with the word CAN. Lately I have been interviewing for jobs and one of the things I noticed and God even revealed to me is that I let a spirit of "intimidation" and "fear" hinder me and my mentality. Think about it, it's awfully hard to convince an employer that you can do a particular job if you are having a rough time convincing yourself.
One aspect of "moving mountains" in your life is a positive attitude towards not only the situation but YOURSELF. You have to know how to fight everything in your mind and spirit that tells you that you can't do something or that you're going to fail at it. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Take this and run with it. Forget the doubts, forget how low you feel and transform your mind. What do you really have to lose by adopting this philosophy? Nothing. You have absolutely everything to gain.
There are some things that God wants you to have, and YOU KNOW that He wants you to have them but you can't get to them because you are waiting on God to just do a miracle. The miracle starts with you. You can't take the prosperous land that God has for you while you are operating in a spirit of intimidation and fear. It is amazingly true that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. This means that you are constantly battling spirits! You can't be intimidated by these uppity, bold, educated, rich, diverse spirits.
Throughout the bible every testimony we see from the disciples to many other highlighted biblical characters there is a trend. They all had to fight to get what God had for them. Had they had been intimidated and too afraid to do God's will how would they have been victorious?
I say these things because they are my own spiritual battles as well. Through my struggle God reveals things to me and springs forth wisdom that I have to share with you all. If you did not receive anything from my message know this...YOU ARE RADICAL AND POWERFUL. We are made in God's image and what is He? Is He anything less than powerful, amazing, omnipotent, and a God of omniscience? Therefore, believe and know that you are made in His image and down in you is the power to do whatever it is you want to do. All you have to do is pray and access it. Don't be intimidated or tricked by the devil and all his wicked devices. Know WHO you are and WHOSE you are.
I pray that each and every one of my readers will not only be uplifted by this message Lord, but that they will receive it in such a way that it will move them to focus on change and accessing the power that they possess, for it is a divine gift from you Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I love you and be blessed!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Remain Humble: God Doesn't HAVE to do Anything!
I don't know about you guys but yes, I have gotten frustrated with God. Yes, I have gotten angry with him and questioned him like I was a reporter at a presidential press conference. lol #truestory. "Lord, why haven't you changed this situation?" "Why haven't you moved by your miraculous power and done something!" "Haven't I shown myself worthy, then why do you forsake me." Yes, it's bold, and I am not proud of it, but I have 'went there' with Him before. You know His grace and mercy is sufficient cause He hasn't struck me down yet lol..im still alive and well. Thank you Jesus lol ..won't happen again.
So, while I am not proud of these things I know I am certainly not the only one who has felt this way which is why I am writing this post. Here's the good news. Okay? God has shown me a divine way to overcome thoughts like this and I am going to share the secret with you! Are you ready for this?? Get excited!!!! Okay, here it goes. GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! hahahaa! I knoooww isn't it genius!! lol #sarcasm.
Yes you want that money right now. You want that new car right now. YOu want that great husband right now. You want looooove in your life right now <3 ..You want a new change of scenery..You want a house, a great job, the perfect this, the perfect that..but I have come to tell you a message from thee most high (see, I knew my name was spelled that way for a reason *Gabriel-messenger*..anyway I digress) but He doesn't have to do anything we say. It is His will. Not ours. Neither you or me know what's best for us and when it is the best time for us to receive anything from God.
Well, Gabriel if I have faith in God and He said that's all I need then what are you talking about, He does HAVE to do what I ask. No, see you are confused like I was. I thought that God was like my own personal genie, I want this..I ask it in the name of Jesus..whaah laaahh I shall have it. Well, it's a little more to it. Turns out the reason God can't just give you what you want is because you haven't given Him what he wants. The sooner you cooperate the sooner you unlock the doors PLUS peace and strength for the process to your blessing.
You see God has a plan and a purpose for all of His people. That's why He created us..to follow His commandments and take delight in Him. So when you get frustrated because God hasn't done something for you, that's a no no..Instead of getting frustrated you should be praising Him! He is God! The creator. Beginning and end. If you have a relationship with Him you understand that HE is in authority over your life and you trust HIM to do HIS will and you know that you will have the desires of your heart in His timing.
Isaiah 45:9 says, "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?" Ya know what that means...Sit ya lil self down somewhere cuz you are NOT grown lol. Stay in a piece of clay's place! :)
I say those things to say that we have to be humble before God. We can't demand Him to do anything because GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. Because He loves us sooo much, He has blessed us with more than enough and He has spoiled us, but we have to be humble and give Him thanks for all of His wonderful blessings, because He didn't have to do anything at all. As the songwriter says, "Lord if you don't do another thing for me, you've already done enough." I challenge everyone of my readers and myself to be humble, praise Him, and understand that God doesn't have to do anything. Praise Him because of who He is and stop focusing on what you think He should be doing for you. He's gonna come through. Show yourself loyal to Him. He's worthy of that much isn't He?
I love you and thank you soo much for reading. I really hope you received a blessing of any kind from this message. I pray that you be not hearers of the messages and wisdom, but Doers by applying His divine word to your life daily.
So, while I am not proud of these things I know I am certainly not the only one who has felt this way which is why I am writing this post. Here's the good news. Okay? God has shown me a divine way to overcome thoughts like this and I am going to share the secret with you! Are you ready for this?? Get excited!!!! Okay, here it goes. GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! hahahaa! I knoooww isn't it genius!! lol #sarcasm.
Yes you want that money right now. You want that new car right now. YOu want that great husband right now. You want looooove in your life right now <3 ..You want a new change of scenery..You want a house, a great job, the perfect this, the perfect that..but I have come to tell you a message from thee most high (see, I knew my name was spelled that way for a reason *Gabriel-messenger*..anyway I digress) but He doesn't have to do anything we say. It is His will. Not ours. Neither you or me know what's best for us and when it is the best time for us to receive anything from God.
Well, Gabriel if I have faith in God and He said that's all I need then what are you talking about, He does HAVE to do what I ask. No, see you are confused like I was. I thought that God was like my own personal genie, I want this..I ask it in the name of Jesus..whaah laaahh I shall have it. Well, it's a little more to it. Turns out the reason God can't just give you what you want is because you haven't given Him what he wants. The sooner you cooperate the sooner you unlock the doors PLUS peace and strength for the process to your blessing.
You see God has a plan and a purpose for all of His people. That's why He created us..to follow His commandments and take delight in Him. So when you get frustrated because God hasn't done something for you, that's a no no..Instead of getting frustrated you should be praising Him! He is God! The creator. Beginning and end. If you have a relationship with Him you understand that HE is in authority over your life and you trust HIM to do HIS will and you know that you will have the desires of your heart in His timing.
Isaiah 45:9 says, "Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?" Ya know what that means...Sit ya lil self down somewhere cuz you are NOT grown lol. Stay in a piece of clay's place! :)
I say those things to say that we have to be humble before God. We can't demand Him to do anything because GOD DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. Because He loves us sooo much, He has blessed us with more than enough and He has spoiled us, but we have to be humble and give Him thanks for all of His wonderful blessings, because He didn't have to do anything at all. As the songwriter says, "Lord if you don't do another thing for me, you've already done enough." I challenge everyone of my readers and myself to be humble, praise Him, and understand that God doesn't have to do anything. Praise Him because of who He is and stop focusing on what you think He should be doing for you. He's gonna come through. Show yourself loyal to Him. He's worthy of that much isn't He?
I love you and thank you soo much for reading. I really hope you received a blessing of any kind from this message. I pray that you be not hearers of the messages and wisdom, but Doers by applying His divine word to your life daily.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tests and Trials: Get You Some Experience!
I just wanted to share some things that God has revealed to me lately. Now, let me say this, some of us have been through a lot and we have tough skin, some of us not so much. No matter what level you are on, this message is for you because life can have you content one day and weaping the next.
Fret not over what happens to you in this lifetime! Please. God already told you that your life in this world was gonna be full of trouble. See, some of us make the mistake of thinking that life is supposed to be this "dream" that happens just the way we want it. I was a victim of this mentality. Let me tell you from experience, NO. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. AT ALL. You will go through some things in this life that will humble THEE. CRAP. OUT. OF. YOU. #fact and if you haven't just know that you will.
Life is truly what you make of it. That doesn't mean I want my life to be perfect so that's what I'll make of it. Nope. Sorry. As awesome as that sounds, that's not the case. If that was so, what would we need God for? Think about it. The way you should view that statement is like this..and this has helped me...I know that my life isn't gonna go the way I plan all the time. I know that one day can be great, and I accept the fact that the next might not be so easy, but Lord I just praise you for being the captain of it all. I acknowledge you as the Creator, the beginning and the end and you love me enough to humble me and keep me grounded. I trust that no matter what I go through it's all for my good because I trust your plan for my life.
See, all these trials and tribulations and tests, they're just your "experience". I was reading 1 Samuel 17: 1-58, and that's the story of how David got involved with the war between the Phillistines who had chosen a giant to represent them in battle and summoned the Israelites to choose one man to fight as well.. The Israelites were scared, King Saul was stalling..and David stepped on the scene boldly ya'll. He was like who is this Phillistine?! He ain't got nothing on the army of the Lord! Why are ya'll being punked! (das my translation but you know what im sayin lol) David said I'll stand up to Him! Pleaseee Let me do it! I got this! His brother got a little jealous, and spoke a few words of "hatery" as I called it lol, But David was ready to do HIS thing!
The first thing Saul said was you are a YOUTH! You are not ready to go to battle, But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock" Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God." The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." Saul said to David, "Go, and the LORD be with you."
DAVID SAID THE SAME GOD THAT DELIVERED ME FROM THE BEAR AND THE LION WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS PHILLISTINE AS WELL! Saul tried to convince David that He wasn't ready but David said no sir! you got me confused. I have EXPERIENCE. So ya'll got to know that these trials and tribulations aint nothing but your experience. The same God that brought you through one trial, is the same God that's gone get you through the next. If He didn't leave you then, He got ya back now!
Saul tried to give him his equipment to wear for protection during battle but David said "nuh uh, naw I can't even walk in this.." All He took to battle this big gigantic Phillistine warrior was a sling shot and some rocks, literally. Now to us it sounds crazy. The Phillistine said, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" and he cursed David by his gods.
But do ya'll know what David said!! I get happy everytime I read this..David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
When the devil says you aren't ready to take on the trials, the tribulations of this life. When He laughs and mocks you when you say "the devil is a lie" and rebukes him..and he says to you "am I dog, that you come at me with sticks.." Stand strong and say "you come at me with tests..trials..sickness..financial burdens..troubles on every hand, temptation, stress, ridicule, slandered my name, hurt, deceit.." BUT I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF THE JESUS..KING OF KINGS..AND LORD OF LORDS! THE BEGINNING AND THE END..NONE BEFORE HIM..NONE AFTER HIM..and I am victorious in JESUS name..and watch God move.
I do apologize if this was too long for you guys to read and I pray that you at least read what God had for you from this message if not all of it. I said all these things to tell you not to be afraid of your "experience"..your trials and tribulations. Consider them experience for your giant. Embrace those struggles and get you some experience. I love you. May God continue to bless and keep you.
Fret not over what happens to you in this lifetime! Please. God already told you that your life in this world was gonna be full of trouble. See, some of us make the mistake of thinking that life is supposed to be this "dream" that happens just the way we want it. I was a victim of this mentality. Let me tell you from experience, NO. THAT IS NOT THE CASE. AT ALL. You will go through some things in this life that will humble THEE. CRAP. OUT. OF. YOU. #fact and if you haven't just know that you will.
Life is truly what you make of it. That doesn't mean I want my life to be perfect so that's what I'll make of it. Nope. Sorry. As awesome as that sounds, that's not the case. If that was so, what would we need God for? Think about it. The way you should view that statement is like this..and this has helped me...I know that my life isn't gonna go the way I plan all the time. I know that one day can be great, and I accept the fact that the next might not be so easy, but Lord I just praise you for being the captain of it all. I acknowledge you as the Creator, the beginning and the end and you love me enough to humble me and keep me grounded. I trust that no matter what I go through it's all for my good because I trust your plan for my life.
See, all these trials and tribulations and tests, they're just your "experience". I was reading 1 Samuel 17: 1-58, and that's the story of how David got involved with the war between the Phillistines who had chosen a giant to represent them in battle and summoned the Israelites to choose one man to fight as well.. The Israelites were scared, King Saul was stalling..and David stepped on the scene boldly ya'll. He was like who is this Phillistine?! He ain't got nothing on the army of the Lord! Why are ya'll being punked! (das my translation but you know what im sayin lol) David said I'll stand up to Him! Pleaseee Let me do it! I got this! His brother got a little jealous, and spoke a few words of "hatery" as I called it lol, But David was ready to do HIS thing!
The first thing Saul said was you are a YOUTH! You are not ready to go to battle, But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock" Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God." The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." Saul said to David, "Go, and the LORD be with you."
DAVID SAID THE SAME GOD THAT DELIVERED ME FROM THE BEAR AND THE LION WILL DELIVER ME FROM THIS PHILLISTINE AS WELL! Saul tried to convince David that He wasn't ready but David said no sir! you got me confused. I have EXPERIENCE. So ya'll got to know that these trials and tribulations aint nothing but your experience. The same God that brought you through one trial, is the same God that's gone get you through the next. If He didn't leave you then, He got ya back now!
Saul tried to give him his equipment to wear for protection during battle but David said "nuh uh, naw I can't even walk in this.." All He took to battle this big gigantic Phillistine warrior was a sling shot and some rocks, literally. Now to us it sounds crazy. The Phillistine said, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" and he cursed David by his gods.
But do ya'll know what David said!! I get happy everytime I read this..David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
When the devil says you aren't ready to take on the trials, the tribulations of this life. When He laughs and mocks you when you say "the devil is a lie" and rebukes him..and he says to you "am I dog, that you come at me with sticks.." Stand strong and say "you come at me with tests..trials..sickness..financial burdens..troubles on every hand, temptation, stress, ridicule, slandered my name, hurt, deceit.." BUT I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF THE JESUS..KING OF KINGS..AND LORD OF LORDS! THE BEGINNING AND THE END..NONE BEFORE HIM..NONE AFTER HIM..and I am victorious in JESUS name..and watch God move.
I do apologize if this was too long for you guys to read and I pray that you at least read what God had for you from this message if not all of it. I said all these things to tell you not to be afraid of your "experience"..your trials and tribulations. Consider them experience for your giant. Embrace those struggles and get you some experience. I love you. May God continue to bless and keep you.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Put on your Boxing Gloves: Praise HIM In ADVANCE!
I don't know about anybody else, but that's all I know how to do! Sometimes things happen in this life that catch you up like a twig in a tornado, all you can do is call on the name of Jesus. And that's all HE wants.
We were not designed to carry the troubles and weight of this life on our shoulders, that's why we praise the Lord, not because things are perfect, but because we need HIS power to renew our strength.
One thing I am learning to do is Praise God in Advance. It doesn't LOOK like HE is coming, but that's where your measure of faith kicks in at! It looks like God has forgotten about you and the devil has won and the rest of the world is laughing, but if you allow the devil to defeat you, HE WILL. This I KNOW. If you allow Him to tell you that God ain't gone do nun for you (sorry for all the ebonics, but this is real talk lol) that is EXACTLY what will happen. The bible says "As a man thinketh, so is he"..
So in this life you're gonna have to build some tough skin as I have learned to do. You're gonna have to understand that things not gone always go your way, people are just flesh, and God aint gone always come when you say right when you say, Lord Come on! Sorry. He doesn't work like that. He is there for you, but this is HIS ball game. He never promised you it would be easy, but HE did promise it will be worth. He already gave you the gift of faith. It's up to you to use the ENTIRE measure. That's how you activate God's power, you have to have faith in HIS plan. Put aside how you think things should go (lean not unto your own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy path) and understand that HE knows what is best!
It's God's will for me to suffer? No, but it is HIS will that you build up endurance, patience, and faith in HIM. He does all of these things in the "furnace"..when you feel like God is just stomping on you, stand still. He's just making you, and gettin you into shape for another level. Embrace it and praise your way through.
I love you and be encouraged :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Faith: Confessions of a Christian (100% REAL)
I don't think this will be a long post unless God's spirit moves on me, but I wanted to talk about Faith. It's such a powerful thing. I can almost cry as I write this because as powerful as it is some of us, including myself, don't have enough of it.
You know for the first time in my life, I am at a crossroads. A period of time when I just don't know what else to do. The answer to my problem is faith. Simple solution to a complex problem. I'm sorry but that is easier said than done sometimes. I don't mean to upset the "super christians" who go thru test and problems with ease and have God on auto dialer, but the idea of not being able to do anything except sit and wait on God is overwhelming sometimes. Will he ever deliver me? Is this ever going to end? I ask myself things like this and I am keeping it real. I sometimes say "God, is this gonna be one of those long drawn out lessons for me to learn." I know that their is a blessing on the other side, but my flesh wants to know when am I going to be comfortable again lol smh.
Those are questions I ask God. I know it's wrong. Sometimes I just get so anxious and frustrated that I wanna do things on my own. GOD, how can I help YOU get ME out of this lol! smh..Even though I know he doesn't need my help these are some of the things I have to confess that I say. But, I know that He knows I get scared sometimes.
Something else I wanna talk about and I don't want nobody to say nothing cuz I already know what you gonna say but don't act like you have never felt this way too, But when I get really weak on faith, I'm talking about LOW..I say Lord, Why is it that I serve you, and I pray, and me and you know each other, but all these other worldly people get the blessings FIRST! what?! lol..Now I know that God reigns on the just as well as the unjust and our set ups as Christians are all about PURPOSE so I pull myself together and say "Lord, I am sorry, I didn't mean to go there" But these are just some of the affects of trials and tribulations. With the right amount of pressure even Christians get weak spiritually.
Now God has heard me through all of this. He knows when you are in trouble and you need a spiritual boost; a reminder of some sort. Last night I sat up to nearly 5 am talking to a lady who has been through soo many tests and trials through life and she has experienced MIRACLES. I mean miracles. God had undeniably come to her rescue in ways that you wouldn't imagine. As she told me testimony after testimony, miracle after miracle I couldn't help but thank HIM for sending her to me to remind me that HE hadn't forgotten me! To remind me that HIS grace is sufficient...HE IS FAITHFUL. This woman was sent to me to remind me just how great God is. There is literally nothing too hard for Him.
It's natural to have trouble submitting your life to His will and HIS perfect plan. It's natural to have trouble trusting HIM..don't let anybody tell you it's not. But it is ESSENTIAL that we know the God we serve. It is soo important that we know that HE will never leave us and HIS plan is only to make us better and yes HIS plan includes success and prosperity and PEACE that surpasses all understanding. It is necessary that we know that trying to make things happen all on our own is an #epicfail. Don't do iT Ms. Celie..it aint worth it!! lol seriously...
There are so many things that make us wanna rush though. We see our friends prospering and doing things on their own and it looks like their doing fine. Everybody is prospering, but you can't do like they do. We are in this world, but we are not OF this world. You and me are being set up and molded and prepared for sumn a little different. So don't get anxious or discouraged because it seems like you aren't going anywhere and you don't see anything happening right now. God ain't forgot about you. It's gonna be allllll riiiiiight! lol Trust.
God loves you and I love you! Be encouraged! Muah! xoxoxo
You know for the first time in my life, I am at a crossroads. A period of time when I just don't know what else to do. The answer to my problem is faith. Simple solution to a complex problem. I'm sorry but that is easier said than done sometimes. I don't mean to upset the "super christians" who go thru test and problems with ease and have God on auto dialer, but the idea of not being able to do anything except sit and wait on God is overwhelming sometimes. Will he ever deliver me? Is this ever going to end? I ask myself things like this and I am keeping it real. I sometimes say "God, is this gonna be one of those long drawn out lessons for me to learn." I know that their is a blessing on the other side, but my flesh wants to know when am I going to be comfortable again lol smh.
Those are questions I ask God. I know it's wrong. Sometimes I just get so anxious and frustrated that I wanna do things on my own. GOD, how can I help YOU get ME out of this lol! smh..Even though I know he doesn't need my help these are some of the things I have to confess that I say. But, I know that He knows I get scared sometimes.
Something else I wanna talk about and I don't want nobody to say nothing cuz I already know what you gonna say but don't act like you have never felt this way too, But when I get really weak on faith, I'm talking about LOW..I say Lord, Why is it that I serve you, and I pray, and me and you know each other, but all these other worldly people get the blessings FIRST! what?! lol..Now I know that God reigns on the just as well as the unjust and our set ups as Christians are all about PURPOSE so I pull myself together and say "Lord, I am sorry, I didn't mean to go there" But these are just some of the affects of trials and tribulations. With the right amount of pressure even Christians get weak spiritually.
Now God has heard me through all of this. He knows when you are in trouble and you need a spiritual boost; a reminder of some sort. Last night I sat up to nearly 5 am talking to a lady who has been through soo many tests and trials through life and she has experienced MIRACLES. I mean miracles. God had undeniably come to her rescue in ways that you wouldn't imagine. As she told me testimony after testimony, miracle after miracle I couldn't help but thank HIM for sending her to me to remind me that HE hadn't forgotten me! To remind me that HIS grace is sufficient...HE IS FAITHFUL. This woman was sent to me to remind me just how great God is. There is literally nothing too hard for Him.
It's natural to have trouble submitting your life to His will and HIS perfect plan. It's natural to have trouble trusting HIM..don't let anybody tell you it's not. But it is ESSENTIAL that we know the God we serve. It is soo important that we know that HE will never leave us and HIS plan is only to make us better and yes HIS plan includes success and prosperity and PEACE that surpasses all understanding. It is necessary that we know that trying to make things happen all on our own is an #epicfail. Don't do iT Ms. Celie..it aint worth it!! lol seriously...
There are so many things that make us wanna rush though. We see our friends prospering and doing things on their own and it looks like their doing fine. Everybody is prospering, but you can't do like they do. We are in this world, but we are not OF this world. You and me are being set up and molded and prepared for sumn a little different. So don't get anxious or discouraged because it seems like you aren't going anywhere and you don't see anything happening right now. God ain't forgot about you. It's gonna be allllll riiiiiight! lol Trust.
God loves you and I love you! Be encouraged! Muah! xoxoxo
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